Friendship – Guest Post @ The Wine Stain

We were approached by Ashley from The Wine Stain to do a guest post on friendship and we couldn’t be more excited! And nervous, too! Writing about ourselves is so much harder than writing about cookies! We wanted to spend a little time talking first about us, and how we became friends, and also about how we are able to keep our friendship going across the miles.

Here’s some of the highlights. Can you guess who said what??

  • I start getting really hot, kind of light-headed, dizzy…I’m going to faint. I’m thinking “just take deep breaths…don’t lock your knees” but it’s too late.
  • Nowadays I’m actually afraid of slipping in the shower. Don’t ask me why, I just am.
  • I’m not sure why I stopped wanting to be a vet…most days I actually like animals more than people.
  •  Eventually, I would love to do something with mental health education at a university.

We promise…all of these actually relate! Kind of. Make sure you go to The Wine Stain to see the full post here. Ashley is super smart and witty, we know you’ll love her blog as much as we do!

Happy Friday!

Kelly & Steph

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