Chocolate Candy Cookies

Chocolate Candy Cookies

It’s been just over one week since Halloween. Here’s the moment of truth: how much candy do you have leftover? Did you have so many trick-or-treaters you ran out? Did you take the extras to work or share with someone else? Maybe the candy was 

Turtle Brownies

Turtle Brownies

Sometimes you just need chocolate. Rich, dark, ooey-gooey chocolate. With maybe some caramel deliciousness. And nuts. Lots of nuts. I used to be a firm believer in always keeping a box of brownie mix on hand. You never know when that craving will strike! I’m 

Candy Bar Fudge

Candy Bar Fudge

Halloween is in one week. One week! How the heck are we already at Halloween?!? Although I no longer dress up, nothing will top 6th grade when my best friend Lauren and I were a bunch of grapes and blew up purple balloons and pinned 

Grandma’s Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

Grandma’s Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies

It’s funny, but I don’t remember my grandma baking cookies. Like…ever. I remember her making homemade tortillas without a recipe. I remember her teaching me to add sugar to my “healthy” cereals to make them taste better. I remember her house always had nuts and 

M&M Cookies

M&M Cookies

I love dessert but I don’t usually eat candy. I’ll get Junior Mints at the movies and occasionally I’ll crave a Snicker’s or a Reese’s Fastbreak or just a plain Reese’s. But if I had to choose one candy to snack on, I’d choose M&Ms. 

Chocolate Chip Cookies: The Bakery Style

Chocolate Chip Cookies: The Bakery Style

Guys, I met Brekin Meyer last night. Like actually met him as in shook his hand and talked to him. I didn’t think I would be so excited but after my friend almost ran him over in the parking garage of the movie theater, I 

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

I know what you’re thinking, “Didn’t Kelly just make oatmeal cookies?” You’re right, I did, (check it out here) but as I was making these cookies last night, which were originally going to be pumpkin snickerdoodles, I had the sudden urge to add oatmeal. I 

Mini Oatmeal Cookie Crisps

Mini Oatmeal Cookie Crisps

One of my favorite foods it oatmeal. When I lived in LA, I went through a phase where I would eat oatmeal mixed with a little peanut butter and few chocolate chips in the morning. In the sorority house, I would eat the Better Oats 

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

As part of being an ultrasound technologist, sometimes we have to be “on call”. Usually this ends up being about once a week or so. If someone comes into the emergency department and needs an ultrasound, the doctors call us and we come in from home. 

Caramel Apple Spice Blondies

Caramel Apple Spice Blondies

Caramel. Apple. Spice. Blondies. Do these scream fall or what?! I was questioning saving this recipe for later. Figured even though I’m obsessed with everything fall already, maybe other people are still enjoying the last rays of summer. Maybe they’re not ready for fall yet. But then I