Monthly Musings: Stephanie
While we did start this blog mainly for sharing our baking adventures, a lot happens in our lives outside of the kitchen! Kelly and I will each be posting a Monthly Musing to discuss…whatever we feel like! It could be book reviews, new music we’re listening to, a TV show we’re obsessed with…anything that’s been on our mind that month.
Christmas Update: I would just like to say thank you to Santa for my KitchenAid mixer that came today! I went with the cinnamon color and am so excited to use it!! I also got some silpat baking mats, an electric drill and plenty of socks (because nothing says Merry Christmas like socks, right Mom??) Ooh and my new Michael Kors watch from the boyfriend…he did good, huh?!
Music: I’m currently obsessed with the group The Unlikely Candidates. You may have heard their song Follow My Feet on the radio? (not here in Boise yet…we’re wayyy too behind the times to be playing it already). If you haven’t heard it you should look it up! Howl is another song by them that I really like as well.
Listen here:
Movies: I saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty recently and was very pleasantly surprised! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, any movie trailer that chooses the perfect song to accompany it…I will end up seeing. Like this one, for example, had Of Monsters and Men’s song Dirty Paws. Which I love. So, even though I don’t normally love Ben Stiller, the previews were confusing and it got bad reviews, I still went and saw it. And I highly recommend it! Some of Walter’s daydreams were a bit strange, but overall it was one of the best movies I’ve seen in awhile. And that cinematography! I don’t know if that was really filmed in Iceland or not, but if so Iceland is now on my bucket list to visit!

While it wasn’t really the theme of the movie, there was one single line from Sean Penn’s character that really stood out to me. It was something along the lines of ‘if there is a moment I’m really enjoying, I don’t ruin it by taking a picture, I try to just live in the moment instead’. And that really hit home to me. In some ways I think our generation is really lucky, we have so many pictures to look back on and remember all the trips and friends and silly memories, whereas older generations just have photographs of the big milestones in life. I’m a very nostalgic person and I love pictures and I constantly want to ‘capture the moment’ so we can always remember it. But how often have we missed out on things in life because we need that perfect Instagram shot, or we need to check-in on Facebook, or tweet where we’re at or send one more snap? We say it’s all in the name of ‘sharing’ the moment…but aren’t we actually ruining the moment in some ways? This Huffington Post article really sums it up. I know I’m just as guilty as the next person and I know we said we don’t normally “do” new years resolutions, but I think this is going to be mine. To be more fully present and put. my phone. away.
Now, clearly that digressed from Walter Mitty, but that’s what the Monthly Musings are all about! To share the random string of thoughts running through my head. Happy January everyone!