Then & Now
Our friends over at Simply Living tagged us in this fun game…Then & Now! Where we look back and compare life as it used to be to how it is now. Here it goes!
THEN: ~2004 (high school)
NOW: ~2014 (post college)
THEN: Rascal Flatts, All Time Low, Taylor Swift
NOW: Mumford & Sons, Lorde, Needtobreathe, Phil Wickham
THEN: Gilmore Girls, Grey’s Anatomy, Boy Meets World, Survivor
NOW: How I Met Your Mother, New Girl, Gossip Girl, Scandal, Sherlock
THEN: Harry Potter, Mary Higgins Clark, Nicholas Sparks
NOW: Hunger Games, Shauna Niequist, F. Scott Fitzgerald, memoirs/biographies

Then: carefree, shy, slightly emotional (wasn’t every girl?), optimistic
Now: positive, determined, ambitious
Then: long, light brown, straight – Stephanie; medium length, light brown/blonde- Kelly
Now: longer, dark brown, curled – Stephanie; longer, dark reddish/brown- Kelly
Then: movie nights, sleepovers, scrapbooking
Now: running, yoga, baking, concerts, Cross-fit (idk if that is considered leisure though…)
Then: get into college, study abroad, have a family, own a bakery
Now: travel the world, get married, have a family, be happy!

Now you know a little bit more about us! It’s always fun to reminisce. It’s interesting how some things will never change, while in other aspects you grow and develop new tastes and interests. Want to play along?? Link your post in the comments so we can see and learn more about you!
~Stephanie & Kelly