Lemon Panna Cotta

Lemon Panna Cotta

Remember that time I had a bunch of fresh homegrown California lemons? Well…I still have them. So get ready for even more lemon desserts! I kind of forgot panna cotta existed. That is until Liz at Floating Kitchen made some a few weeks ago and 

Online Dating

Online Dating

Well, I did it. I took the plunge into the online dating pool. 2015 is my year… on second thought, maybe not. I decided late last year, after a few nudges from friends and family, that I would start online dating in 2015. I would 

Easy Homemade Croutons

Easy Homemade Croutons

Guys. Have you made your own croutons before? Because you should. Every few weeks we splurge and buy a nice loaf of bread for dinner, usually if we’re having a hearty pasta dish or a homemade soup. But seeing as there are only two of 

2015: A New Year

2015: A New Year

How is it 2015?! I say this every year…but I really can’t believe how fast this one went. It was a big year for LDB! We traveled to Portland, Oregon together and attempted to eat our way through the city. We spent a beautiful weekend in Napa, 

25 Days of Kindness: 2014

25 Days of Kindness: 2014

Can you believe it is December?? Where did the fall go?! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend filled with family, friends and delicious food. This month tends to get hectic and busy, but giving back to others is a tradition we both strive 

Homemade Granola

Homemade Granola

I usually eat my morning oatmeal with a healthy (aka larger than serving size) scoop of granola and it is delicious! I eat it most mornings. But as much as I love overpriced pumpkin flax granola from the store, I decided it was time I 

One Year Blogiversary!

One Year Blogiversary!

Yesterday was Long Distance Baking’s 1st Blogiversary!! We can’t believe that we have been blogging for a year now and can’t wait to try out some new recipes in year 2! Below are some of our popular posts from our first year: Most Commented Peanut 

Homemade Dog Treats

Homemade Dog Treats

Last week I decided to go home. Now, usually I consider Boise home. I’ve lived here going on 8 years. My friends are here, my job is here…I readily claim this city as my own. But every now and then, I still get homesick. For 

Buttermilk Waffles

Buttermilk Waffles

One of my favorite breakfast foods, really anytime foods, is a frozen waffle with peanut butter. Steph and I have even bonded over our shared love of peanut butter waffles- seriously the best! I could eat them every day and not just for breakfast. I have, 

Crock Pot Fresh Tomato Sauce

Crock Pot Fresh Tomato Sauce

You’re probably tired of hearing about my excessive amount of tomatoes, but even after making salsa…I still have TONS! Every time I eat one I swear two more are ripe. I’m not complaining, I just needed to figure out something to do with them! If