Summer Playlist for Simply Living

Summer Playlist for Simply Living

Hi guys! Just a quick note to let you know: we made you a playlist! Yep…an end of summer playlist. Just for you. If you’ve been following the Simply Living girls (and you should be) you know they post a new playlist each month. Well, since 

Liebster Award + New ‘About Us’

Liebster Award + New ‘About Us’

We were very excited and honored when Liz from Floating Kitchen nominated us for a Liebster Award! A Liebster Award is passed from one blogger to another, typically those who are “newer” bloggers, and it is a way for us to get to know each other 

Then & Now

Then & Now

Our friends over at Simply Living tagged us in this fun game…Then & Now! Where we look back and compare life as it used to be to how it is now. Here it goes! THEN: ~2004 (high school) NOW: ~2014 (post college)

2014: A New Year

2014: A New Year

New Year’s Eve 2012 was spent in Boise. With sparkly dresses, fishbowl drinks and below freezing temperatures (I think it was about 10 degrees…)

Together At Last

Together At Last

For the first time since starting this blog…Kelly and I were together! And we’d been practically counting down the days. We had a list a mile long of things to do! Such as: go running, go to hot yoga, shop, bake, maybe do a video 

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday

Have you guys heard of Giving Tuesday? I just learned of it today…and I love the idea! We have Black Friday and Cyber Monday, days full of spending money on material items we don’t really need, it’s only fair we have a day to give back! 

25 Days of Kindness

25 Days of Kindness

Happy Thanksgiving! We hope your day is filled with family, friends, and food! Now officially begins the holiday season and it is universally accepted to listen to Christmas music (even though we’ve both been doing that for months). When taking a moment to reflect, we 



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