Halloween Recipe Roundup

Happy Halloween! For as much as I love fall, I never seem to get that into Halloween. I’m such a baby when it comes to scary things…it’s just not a day meant for me! On the other hand, it is the one time of year I buy myself candy. Another perk? All these adorable holiday treats! Take a look:
Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Hand Pies by Sprinkled with Jules
Chocolate Spiderweb Cupcakes by Broma Bakery
Homemade Candy Corn by Food52
Paleo Witch Finger Cookies by Food, Faith, Fitness
Blood Splatter Cookies by Annie’s Eats
Frozen “Boo”-nana Pops by Skinny Taste
Halloween Candy Bark by Just A Taste
Chocolate Peanut Butter Spider Cookies by A Spicy Perspective
Spooky Black Caramel Apples by Baked by Rachel
Halloween Toffee Bark by Crazy for Crust
Seriously…how cute are all of these?! You’ve still got a couple days to whip up some spooky treats. If these don’t inspire you, I don’t know what will!