My name is Kelly and I am a Nutella addict.
Correction, my name is Kelly and I am a recovering Nutella addict.

I am recovering in the sense that I only buy Nutella if I am going to bake with it and only if I use the entire jar. If I don’t use the entire jar, I throw the rest away. I know it’s wasteful and I do feel bad but, I cannot have Nutella around the house or I will turn into that person who comes home from work, throws on a pair of sweats, turns on a West Wing marathon via Netflix, and eats Nutella out of the jar with a spoon…
Oh wait, that was me. I went through a phase when I was living in San Francisco where I did just that but I realized that if I ever wanted my Pinterest Wedding Board to become a reality, I had better give this up. So, sadly, I did. Continue reading Nutella Chocolate Chip Brownies