2015: A New Year
How is it 2015?! I say this every year…but I really can’t believe how fast this one went.
It was a big year for LDB! We traveled to Portland, Oregon together and attempted to eat our way through the city. We spent a beautiful weekend in Napa, California for a friends’ wedding and met our first blogging friend in real life, Jules! We also celebrated our 1 Year Blogiversary.
Looking back, our top 5 posts were:
Dark Chocolate Orange Cupcakes
Chocolate Chip Cookies: The Loaded
American Flag No-Bake Cheesecake Bars
We’re still fairly new to this blogging world and feel like there’s so much more we need to learn! But in looking back we accomplished a lot in 2014. We set up a Monday/Wednesday/Friday posting schedule that seems to be working quite well. We switched from a wordpress hosted to self hosted site. Both of us now have DSLR cameras and are learning daily better ways to photograph.

2015 brings another year full of bright possibilities. I don’t really make personal resolutions (mainly because I know I won’t keep them!) but tangible goals are different. Granted goals and resolutions are kind of the same thing. But you know what I mean.
LDB has a few goals for 2015 and we’re listing some of them here because we’d like your help. Help keep us accountable. Help encourage us. The most rewarding part of this blog has been learning from and hearing from you.
- Redesign our blog header
- Design and implement a logo on images used for pinterest
- Join an ad network
- Attend a blogging conference
- Record a video post
- Create a visual recipe index
- Meet up with at least one blogger in real life
What are your goals for this year? Do you set any personal resolutions? Nothing is ever too big or too small. Here’s to 2015 and all the adventures it brings!
Kelly & Steph
Cheers to tangible goals and a happy new year!!
Happy New Year! 🙂