Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

I’m alive everyone! I survived Mexico without getting kidnapped and murdered. Hooray!
I had every intention of filling you all in on the best restaurants in Cabo and the most exciting and fun things to do…but do you want to know what happened? I turned my phone off. Granted it was only because I was in a foreign country and we didn’t want to pay for wifi…but still. The phone. went. off. And it was magical.

This was a spontaneous girls trip with friends from college. We all still live in the same city, but we just don’t see each other much anymore. We always talk about doing a vacation, but we never actually go through with it. So this time we saw the Groupon deal, picked the dates over Jonesy’s birthday, and just booked it! For future reference…look up when hurricane season is…

This is Norbert. He rained on our parade (literally) and put a slight damper on our plans the first day or two in Cabo. The fact his name was Norbert just added to the running joke. I mean really…Norbert?? We luckily didn’t get hit too hard. Yes, there were sandbags blocking the beach from the resort. And yes there was water on all of the paths and dripping everywhere and the outdoor restaurant was closed and we couldn’t swim in the pool the first day or so…but overall it wasn’t terrible. Probably a blessing in disguise really. I don’t think my body could have handled 4 days of drinking in the sun!

By Saturday Norbert had finally headed north and left us to enjoy our vacation! We spent the next two days at the pool, with the occasional jaunt down to the ocean. I may have gotten just a littttlleee cocky thinking that my Mexican genes meant I was immune to the Mexican sun, because I’m still nursing a burnt scalp and sore shoulders. I’ve only had a handful of sunburns in my life and I now know how the majority of the world feels every summer. I’m sorry I judged you all.

And to be completely honest…that was it! At first I was a little ashamed I spent five days in a foreign country without exploring at all, learning about the culture or even leaving the resort…but that can be for next time. I got to run around in the rain like a kid, take moonlit walks on the beach, lay out under the stars talking for hours, lounge beneath cabanas drinking way too many margaritas and laughing until my stomach hurt with my best friends. I don’t think there’s really anything better than that.

How fun! Looks like an awesome trip, even with the unexpected hurricane! And I’m glad you didn’t get kidnapped, haha!
Haha. Thanks!! That would’ve really ruined my plans 🙂