Liebster Award + New ‘About Us’

We were very excited and honored when Liz from Floating Kitchen nominated us for a Liebster Award! A Liebster Award is passed from one blogger to another, typically those who are “newer” bloggers, and it is a way for us to get to know each other and for our readers to get to know us. It’s kind of a “tag, you’re it!” kind of thing. We tell you a little about ourselves, answer the questions from Liz, nominate more bloggers, then ask them questions! It was so fun to learn more about Liz and have an excuse to snoop around Floating Kitchen a little more…I mean, can I live on a house boat please?? The timing was actually pretty perfect, because we just finished up our NEW “About Us” page, and figured we could tie the two together. So instead of a recipe today, you get to learn everything you ever wanted to know about us 🙂

Random facts about us
1. We always say we’ll workout when we’re together, but more often than not we end up spending hours at Starbucks instead.
2. We ran a half marathon together in San Francisco. We “forgot” what our time was, because it was so terrible.
3. Visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter together is on our friendship bucket list. We already went to a midnight premiere together.
4. We also wish Hogwarts was real and we could be best friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione.
5. The first time we met, we went gambling at an Indian Casino in Jackson with friends and almost got lost in the woods on the drive home.
6. It wouldn’t be unusual to find one (or both) of us listening to Christmas music in May.
7. New Year’s Eve 2012 was spent in Boise, Idaho. We thought by wearing tights under our dresses it would help us stay warm because it was only about 10 degrees.
8. We once attempted to compete in Trivia Night at a bar. We didn’t get a single question right.
9. The night before our half marathon, we stayed up eating popcorn and drinking wine while watching the Olympics.
10. We wish we had Samantha Brown’s job.
Questions from Liz
1. What is your favorite thing to cook?
Stephanie: As time-consuming as it is, I always love holiday baking. Sugar cookies, crinkle cookies, gingersnaps, truffles…I love it all!
Kelly: Chocolate chip cookies
2. What is the best meal you’ve ever had?
Stephanie: My dad is the best cook in the world. I absolutely love love love his smoked ribs and homemade macaroni and cheese. I could eat that every day!
Kelly: That’s hard! Idk if it’s the best meal I’ve had but my favorite thing that my mom makes is a chicken cheese casserole which is essentially macaroni cheese with chicken. Sounds simple but only my mom can make it just right and it’s a family favorite!
3. Which blogs do you follow regularly?
Stephanie & Kelly: There are so many good ones! Dessert for Two; Food, Faith, Fitness; The Law Student’s Wife; Girl Versus Dough; Simply Living…just to name a few!
4. What five words would you use to describe your blog?
Stephanie: Personable, honest, decadent, silly, relatable
Kelly: Happy, friendly, tasty, fun, personable
5. Which blog post are you the most proud of?
Stephanie: I think Angel Food Cake, because it was the recipe I was most intimidated by, and it turned out perfectly!
Kelly: Circus Animal Cookie Cupcakes because it was fun to frost and they were so tasty!
6. Are you a night owl or an early bird?
Stephanie: Night owl. Though I am turning into an old lady and am usually in bed by 10:30. However that doesn’t mean I’m any less grumpy in the mornings.
Kelly: Early bird
7. When is the last time you laughed so hard that it hurt?
Stephanie: Whenever I’m with my sister. The BF told me that when her and I get together “things get weird”…it’s what happens when you have a lifetime of inside jokes and memories!
Kelly: Camping with my family this weekend
8. What is the last book you read?
Stephanie: The last I read was The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling, and I’m currently reading This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Kelly: My Life in France by Julia Child— So good! Highly recommend it!
9. What song/artist do you listen to when you’re in need of a pick-me-up?
Stephanie: Girls by The 1975, One Headlight by The Wallflowers, Springsteen by Eric Church, Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band…super random, I know!
Kelly: Stand in Awe by Jeremy Riddle
10. What is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?
Stephanie: Every summer as kids our family would go camping in Long Beach, Washington. It’s definitely not the warmest beach in the world (in the 70’s if you’re lucky, probably windy, maybe rainy) but I loved it. The smell of salt water still brings back childhood memories and I feel like I’m at home.
Kelly: The Beach House in Aptos, CA. Every year we go for a week with my family (aunts, uncles, cousins). It’s the best vacation and some of my favorite childhood memories.
11. What did you want to be when you grew up (and are you currently doing it?)
Stephanie: I changed my mind a lot as a child, but veterinarian was probably what I was hooked on for the longest. Sometimes I’m still not sure why I didn’t pursue that? Currently I’m an Ultrasound Technologist, which I love, but most days I like animals more than people!
Kelly: I always wanted to be an elementary school teacher (not anymore!) but I am currently a Program Coordinator for a Non-profit in Sacramento.
1. Hannah & Suruchi – Simply Living Blog
2. Ashley – The Wine Stain
3. Jules – Sprinkled With Jules
4. Maci – The Thoughtful Plate
5. Anisa, Ash & Tegan – The Macadames
6. Elise – Elise Marie Goes on a Shopping Spree
7. Shannon – Much. Most. Darling.
8. Gretchen & Shelley – Two Healthy Kitchens
9. Annie – Maebells
10. Beth – The Contented Baker
Our questions for the nominees:
1. What made you decide to start this blog?
2. How did you choose your blog name?
3. What blogs do you follow regularly?
4. What is your favorite food to eat?
5. What is your favorite food to make?
6. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
7. What is your dream job?
8. Do you have any siblings? If so, where are they living and what are they doing?
9. What is your favorite holiday?
10. What would be the 3 things you would take with you on a deserted island?
Thanks again Liz for the nomination! We hope you had fun learning a little more about us, and in case you want even more behind the scenes of LDB, be sure to check out our newly updated About Us page! Happy Monday, friends!
-Kelly and Steph
Thanks for playing along girls! I loved reading your answer and your random facts (I had a good laugh at #9!). You two sound alike you have a ton of fun together! I love that you’ve maintained such a great friendship despite living apart. That is something very special.
We had fun! Thanks again for thinking of us! 🙂
Awww you two sound like so much fun together! Sisters from another mother 🙂 Love this post and loved getting to you know more!
We do have fun! Glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Oh my goodness!!! Thank you so much for nominating us!!! We are SO honored to have been chosen by you! As you both know, blogging with your best friend is so much fun!! 🙂 It was super fun to learn more about you ladies!! Shelley and I are so excited to get started … and to nominate some of our fave bloggers!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!
We can wait to read your responses!! So happy you want to play along 🙂
Ladies, I am so flattered you nominated me!! Thank you! It’s so great to find out a little more about our blogging friends. Apologies for the delay but I’m ‘on the case’ now!! Thank you 🙂
We can’t wait to learn more about you! 🙂
So I FINALLY got around to doing this, sorry it took me so long, but thank you again for the nomination!
xo, Shannon 🙂
Yay! Heading over to check it out now 🙂