Online Dating

Well, I did it. I took the plunge into the online dating pool. 2015 is my year… on second thought, maybe not.

I decided late last year, after a few nudges from friends and family, that I would start online dating in 2015. I would return from wonderful, amazing, beautiful Ireland and sign up for online dating. So my first night back in the states when my time clock was still off and I woke up wide awake at 3am, I made a profile. Here are some interesting things I have found since then:

  1. The amount of photos men take shirtless holding a snake is truly astounding. I didn’t realize pet snakes were that popular. Do that many people really have a pet snake? Is that supposed to make me want to like your profile? I feel like I am missing some raunchy undermeaning to this and I am perfectly ok with that because sorry sir, that does not make me want to date you.
  2. To the guy with the pants-less picture… really?! I feel like your mother right now but pull it together. That’s inappropriate and gross.
  3. People divulge a lot of personal details in their profile. Personal as in baby mama drama and custody issues. I’m sorry that you do not have custody of your two children for whatever reason but sending a message at 3 in the morning asking to cuddle because you miss it, gives me a lot of insight as to why.
  4. To guy who thinks we would have “fun” based on my pictures… no sir, we would not have fun. My pictures show that I am boring and do not match your barely clothed pictures. Thanks but no thanks.
  5. Apparently there are levels of hotness that you can unlock. I got an email saying my profile is popular and now I will be receiving more attractive matches. Part of  me feels slightly flattered and the other part really disgusted? Confused? Isn’t the point to match on compatibility? Shouldn’t I be receiving attractive matches already? Does that seem odd to anybody else?
  6. My cousin sent me this link today. Great, thank you for this healthy dose of fear now…

Now, it’s not all bad. There are some really nice, great guys on there. In fact, I’ve got a second date this week. My first foray into online dating has just been a little questionable at times… Happy Wednesday!



2 thoughts on “Online Dating”

  • I blame video games. Guys today are wasting their free time absorbed in fantasy land, when a much more fulfilling life is right in front of them. “Back in my day” both of you ladies would have had guys lining up around the block just for the chance to meet you! Fear not, God has a plan for you, your patience will be rewarded.

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