We are Kelly and Stephanie! Two friends, living far apart, who share a love of baking. We actually share a love of many things including but not limited to: Starbucks, Mumford and Sons, running (some of the time), yoga (most of the time), wine, Shauna Niequist life quotes, anything with Nutella, Pinterest, a really good book, Harry Potter, Greece (although neither of us have been), Buster Posey and the SF Giants, Fall, Christmas music (really just holidays in general)…the list could go on!

Kelly currently lives in Sacramento, California while Stephanie is in Boise, Idaho Monroe, Louisiana back in Boise, Idaho. How did we meet and discover our eerily similar interests? Through a friend of a friend of course! Fast forward 6 years from a night getting lost driving back from a Northern California Indian Casino and you have us today: friends who will text each other every day with the most random information (S: “I’m still so upset the Hogwarts castle in the movies isn’t a real castle” K: “I’m still upset Hogwarts itself isn’t real!”) recipe ideas (S: “I’m attempting popsicles, I hope they turn out! Last time I used too much alcohol and they didn’t freeze…”) or travel plans for the future (K: I bought Ireland books…I want to go!”). It’s safe to say this blog has brought us even closer together.

As you may have guessed from the name, you will find mostly sweet treats here on Long Distance Baking. You will see a lot of nutella desserts from Kelly, and plenty of peanut butter from Steph. Every now and then we’ll share something savory with you, but we’re twenty-something girls who would live on dessert and wine if we could! So that’s what we make 🙂 Well…not the wine. We just drink that while we bake. We also share some tidbits of our lives with you. Monthly Musings are where we go to update you on our lives that month, or just to ramble about our current thoughts. We also both love to travel, so you’ll occasionally see posts about our recent vacations and plenty of pictures.

About Stephanie
Hometown: Colfax, Washington
College: Boise State University – Go Broncos! (Graduated 2011, BS Radiologic Science; 2012 BS Sonography)
Current job: Sonographer (aka ultrasound technologist)
Dream job: Something that pays me to travel the world and eat food and drink wine! Does that exist? (Samantha Brown, I’m coming for you!) Or maybe something with animals, like working with those dogs who are trained to detect cancers.
Favorite Movie: While You Were Sleeping (Honorable mentions: My Best Friend’s Wedding, When Harry Met Sally, The Proposal)
Favorite Book: It’s so hard to pick just one! Harry Potter, of course. The Christmas Box is a yearly tradition in our family. The Art of Racing in the Rain, Cold Tangerines, Me Before You
Favorite Food: Pasta, pasta, pasta! Oh, and red wine and french fries.
Starbucks order: Either a caramel macchiato or a toffee nut mocha
What I’m listening to: Currently a lot of country (because it’s summer) and Lana Del Rey
I can’t wait to travel to: Greece!
Best advice I ever received: Before any big event my dad always says simply “Make me proud”. It doesn’t matter whether I win or lose, I succeed or fail, as long as I do the best that I can I know my parents are behind me, supporting me every step of the way.
Quote: “Know that everything in this life has a purpose. There are no mistakes, no coincidences – all events are blessings given to us to learn from” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

About Kelly
Hometown: Elk Grove, California
College: UC Davis (for freshman year- Go Aggies!), USC (Graduated 2012; BA History- Fight On!)
Current job: PR
Dream job: US History Professor who travels the world during the summer and takes National Geographic worthy photographs and who can eat desserts without gaining one pound
Favorite Movie: Armageddon (Honorable mentions include- When Harry Met Sally, Casablanca, Family Man, About Time)
Favorite Book: Impossible to just have one- Ender’s Game, The Killer Angels, This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness, Me Before You, The Namesake, Harry Potter Series (book 5 is my favorite; book 4 is my least favorite… but obviously love them all)
Favorite Food: Spaghetti, pastrami sandwiches, tri-tip, mint chip ice cream
Starbucks order: Currently- coffee with cream and two sugars; sometimes- iced mochas or hot peppermint mochas
What I’m listening to: anything Country, Matt Maher, Hillsong, Needtobreathe
I can’t wait to travel to: Ireland (went in Dec. 2014- you can check it out here, here, here and here) Costa Rica, Greece and go back to Ireland!
Best advice I ever received: My mom gave me some good advice my freshman year of college. I don’t remember exactly what she said but it was something along these lines and I still remind myself of this, “Don’t be so hard on yourself- take a step back and breathe. Go get a Starbucks and a magazine and just relax.”
Quote: “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.” -Exodus 14:14

As you can see, neither of us have had any professional baking experience (does 4H and Home Ec count??). We started LDB in 2013 as a way for us to document our baking adventures, but it has turned into so much more. From perfecting the basics (like Vanilla Cupcakes and Angel Food Cake) to experimenting and creating our own recipes (Samonies anyone?), we’ve found this whole “blog thing” has been very rewarding! Although 565 1,997 565 miles separate us again, one day we hope to live closer and enjoy all the above together. Until then, this blog is our way of sharing our baking successes and failures, even if we aren’t in the same kitchen.
We’d love for you to follow along! Feel free to email us (longdistancebaking @ gmail.com) if you ever have questions or just want to chat. Hearing from you makes our day 🙂
xo – Kelly and Stephanie
Kelly’s Instagram
Stephanie’s Instagram
Your blog reminds me so much of ours! Two friends far apart but still finding an amazing way to keep in touch! Love your blog and all of the amazing recipes!
Aww…thank you so much! Glad you guys found us…your blog is so cute as well! Looking forward to seeing what you guys have coming up! 🙂
I share your love for Starbucks, Pinterest, really good books, Greece (I’ve never been either) and the Giants! 🙂 I love love love the concept of your blog… sharing a blog looks like so much fun!
Thank you, it sounds like you have good taste! If we’re ever in SF at the same time we should go to a game together! And stare at Buster Posey while hoping his wife doesn’t catch us?? 🙂
Hehe, sounds good to me! My good taste also can’t resist garlic fries… will that be included? 😉
Only of course! What’s a Giants game without garlic fries! 🙂 I think a love of carbs needs to make its way onto the list of favorites…
We were definitely meant to be friends 🙂
This is exactly why our blog started – as a way for my best friend and I to keep in touch with each other! Can’t wait to follow you girls 🙂
Anisa – The Macadames. xx
Thanks!! We love your blog and look forward to see what you girls post!
Just found your blog and must say I love it! Not to mention the fact that we have so many of the same interests! Go Giants!
Thanks!! We love your blog too… and Buster Posey 🙂 Go Giants!
Hey LDB! We found you on Instagram and came to check out your blog because it reminded us of…well…us! We keep up with each other through our shared creative blogging venture also, and we DEFINITELY share your love of Harry Potter!! The dream is to host an EPIC Hogwarts themed house party full of DIY’s and great recipes! One of these days…
Keep posting awesome stuff and lets be friends!!
<3 Hayley and Katie
of http://www.whattodowithlemons.com
Hey! Yes, let’s be friends and thanks for checking out our blog!! We definitely want to be part of this epic Hogwarts themed house party… just let us know when and where this is happening and we’ll help plan it 🙂 We love What To Do With Lemons- can’t wait to see what great stuff you guys post!
Kelly and Stephanie, Thanks for sharing your love for food and your friendship. You both are such a Blessing!!!! Love reading your Journey as your your venture grows. GOD BLESS YOU Both 🙂 Looking forward to seeing your post. Kelly proud of you sweetie!!!
Cheryl Black
Thanks Aunt Cheryl!! Glad that you like the blog! We really do feel blessed to keep working on it! Love and miss you!