Search Results: peanut butter

Everything Cookie Bars

Everything Cookie Bars

Sometimes you move to a new city and have to make new friends. And sometimes these new friends invite you over and tell you to bring dessert. Being a food blogger, you feel like you need something impressive. As usual, your other half suggest “those 

Haystack Energy Bites

Haystack Energy Bites

Two posts in a row that involve peanut butter… yep, I’m on a PB kick. But then again, when am I not? My cousin is getting married in less than two weeks. We just celebrated her bachelorette party in Vegas at the end of May 

One Year Blogiversary!

One Year Blogiversary!

Yesterday was Long Distance Baking’s 1st Blogiversary!! We can’t believe that we have been blogging for a year now and can’t wait to try out some new recipes in year 2! Below are some of our popular posts from our first year:

Most Commented
Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Smoothie
Peanut Butter Banana Oatmeal Smoothie |
Cinnamon Ice Cream
Cinnamon Ice Cream |
Chocolate Espresso Macaroons
Chocolate Espresso Macaroons |

Most Viewed
Dark Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

Dark Chocolate Orange Cupcakes |
American Flag No Bake Cheesecake Bars
American Flag No-Bake Cheesecake Bars, perfect for the 4th of July |
Chocolate Chip Cookies: The Loaded
Chocolate Chip Cookies: The Loaded |


First Posts
Kelly: Chocolate Chip Cookies: The Classic
Chocolate Chip Cookies: The Classic |
Stephanie: Banana Muffins: A Staple
Banana Muffins: A Staple |

Favorite Posts
Kelly: Samonies- Samoa Inspired Brownies
Samonies- Samoa Inspired Brownies |
Stephanie: Soft Sugar Cookies
Soft Sugar Cookies with Royal Icing |

Can you believe that in an entire year we’ve also only been together three times?! Two weddings (Placerville and Napa) and a Portland vacation. Thank you so much for following along with us this year! It’s so easy to get caught up in improving and learning all the things, sometimes it’s good to step back and see how far you’ve already come. Are there any recipes you hope to see in year 2? Any advice or suggestions for us? Leave your comments below! We appreciate every one of you!

Kelly and Steph

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

Pumpkin Oatmeal Cookies

I know what you’re thinking, “Didn’t Kelly just make oatmeal cookies?” You’re right, I did, (check it out here) but as I was making these cookies last night, which were originally going to be pumpkin snickerdoodles, I had the sudden urge to add oatmeal. I 

Mini Oatmeal Cookie Crisps

Mini Oatmeal Cookie Crisps

One of my favorite foods it oatmeal. When I lived in LA, I went through a phase where I would eat oatmeal mixed with a little peanut butter and few chocolate chips in the morning. In the sorority house, I would eat the Better Oats 

Homemade Dog Treats

Homemade Dog Treats

Last week I decided to go home. Now, usually I consider Boise home. I’ve lived here going on 8 years. My friends are here, my job is here…I readily claim this city as my own. But every now and then, I still get homesick. For my real home. For the town I grew up in and to spend some time with my family. Even though I see them throughout the year, I hadn’t actually been home since Christmas. So you know what I did? I drove home.

Home on the Palouse |

Through gorgeous fields and hills after hills of golden wheat. It’s harvest season y’all! Just kidding. We don’t say y’all up here. It was harvest time though! Meaning it’s not uncommon to get stuck behind slow moving combines and grain trucks on the drive. I finally made it home. Safe and sound.

Then do you want to know what happened? My mom left me a list of chores. Yes…at 25, I still get chores. Things like do the dishes, water the plants, return some old fair ribbons to the fair office (which is not the same thing as the 4-H office…fyi…) and last but not least, make some dog treats for my puppy doggy!

Homemade Dog Treats |

Now I know Patches isn’t realllyyy a puppy anymore. But he’s my baby. So he still gets homemade treats. It’s weird not having Rookie around, but Patches doesn’t seem to notice. He’s pretty much completely deaf now and lives in his own little world. His nose still works just fine though, he’ll wake up if you’ve got treats nearby!

Homemade Dog Treats |

These treats are super easy to whip up. Plus you can feel a little better about spoiling your pet if you know exactly what you’re feeding them. The original recipe is from a pet cookbook called “Goodies for Dogs and a Few for Cats” from our local humane society. It has super cute recipes, all compiled from other humane societies. Think titles like Snickerpoodles and Peanut Butter Basset Biscuits. Adorable, right?? Don’t get too excited though, this one is just called Dog Biscuits. Sorry to get your hopes up.


Homemade Dog Treats |

As you can see, these treats are Patches approved! It’s not just our human friends that want baked goodies…our four legged friends do too! Plus this just goes to show you’re never too old to feel the need to go home. Or be too old for your mom to leave you chores.


Homemade Dog Treats |

Homemade Dog Treats (adapted from The Peninsula Humane Society)

  • 1/2 c cornmeal
  • 2 c whole wheat flour
  • 6 tbsp oil
  • 1 egg + water to total 2/3 c
  1. Using hands, combine all ingredients. Add a little water if dough seems too dry.
  2. Roll out to 1/4 inch thickness and cut into small shapes and place on greased baking tray OR press into parchment lined baking sheet until 1/4 inch thick, and using a knife score the dough into small squares.
  3. Bake 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.
  4. Once cooled, remove from baking sheet. If you scored the dough, now break or cut pieces apart.
  5. Store in airtight container

*Note* Depending on how often you give your dog treats, you may want to keep some in the freezer in a ziplock bag. They will keep longer this way and you can thaw them as needed.

Frozen Banana Cream Pie

Frozen Banana Cream Pie

Guys, I finally made banana cream pie! When I lived in LA, my friends and I would sometimes go to this whole in wall pie place called The Apple Pan. It’s a tiny old-fashioned burger joint with only one giant U-shaped bar for seating and 

Dark Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

Dark Chocolate Orange Cupcakes

Is there any combination better than orange and dark chocolate?? Well, maybe peanut butter and chocolate. But orange and dark chocolate is a close second! You know those chocolate oranges you get at Christmas? That you have to smack on the table to open? These 

Valentine’s Day Puppy Chow

Valentine’s Day Puppy Chow

Well Stephanie, I guess I take the cake on baking procrastination… In my defense, I made this specifically for Valentine’s Day at the office but just haven’t blogged about it until now. The beauty of puppy chow, however, is that it is not holiday specific. You can make it for Easter or  4th of July or tomorrow, just because you feel like it!
Valentine's Day Puppy Chow | Continue reading Valentine’s Day Puppy Chow

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

It was requested that I bring something with chocolate into work. Something with chocolate but without peanut butter… weird, I know, because peanut butter and chocolate is the ultimate pairing but that was the request. I thought of making a cheesecake or brownies or chocolate