I knew these two weeks would be crazy, so I prepared a post ahead of time for today: Road Trip Trail Mix. Then something else happened…I GOT ENGAGED. Sorry trail mix, you’re not exciting enough anymore. My fiancé (!!!!!) and I have been dating for …
Hi friends! Things are getting a bit hectic around LDB right now, which is odd for this time of year. I feel like late winter/early spring there’s usually nothing going on. We started January by making a list of goals for the blog this year …
Let’s get this out in the open: I love wine. We always have wine in the house and I don’t believe it needs a special occasion to be opened. I have an overflowing shelf of corks, just waiting for a craft night. My family constantly posts wine related things on my facebook page (a sink faucet that wine comes out of?? Where do I sign?!) and my aunt even made me an apron with wine fabric on it. Needless to say…it’s a bit of an obsession.
This is where Bright Cellars comes in. They are a monthly wine club, delivering you 4 wines specifically matched based on your answers to a 7 question survey. The survey questions range from what kind of chocolate you like to how you drink your tea, and based on the fact Bright Cellars was started by two MIT grads…I think they know what they’re doing! Once you receive the wines and have a chance to try them, you log back onto the Bright Cellars website and rate your wines. It’s kind of like the wine version of Pandora Radio. The more wines you rate and review, the better you next matches will be.
I specified that I prefer red wines over white, so my shipment contained 3 reds and 1 white. It also had a bottle of Prosecco, a sparkling wine, as a bonus sign up offer right around New Year’s Eve. Keep an eye out for these specials! On your Bright Cellars account it will give you the tasting notes and further information about each wine you received.
Another fun part of Bright Cellars is your ability to receive extra bottles of wine by referring new friends! Which is how I got a 5th bottle again in my second shipment. This one contained 4 reds and 1 white, and I’m still in the process of trying these new ones.
The only potential negative I can see to this subscription is that because it is alcohol, someone over 21 must be home to sign for the package. Luckily my roommate has been home each time, but I could foresee this as an issue for others. They do send out an email when your box ships so you know when to expect it, but it’s just something to be aware of.
As far as cost goes, it is $60 a month for the 4 bottles of wine. To me, $15 is a reasonable amount to spend on wine. Especially a nicer wine that is handpicked for you! Now, if you’re getting a bonus bottle from referring friends? That’s $12 a bottle. Even better!
“I vow to drink more wine to do crafty things with the corks”
The reason I finally joined Bright Cellars was because I had a 50% off code, bringing the total down to $30 for 5 bottles of fun, new wines to try. Who could resist that?! Lucky for you, if you’re curious about trying Bright Cellars for yourself you can follow this link and get 50% off your first shipment too!
While I signed up for purely selfish reasons, Bright Cellars would make a great gift! Just in case you need something for that special wine loving someone in your life and failed to get them a Valentine’s Day gift (which is tomorrow…hint hint…) a Bright Cellars subscription would be perfect! They even send you a printable gift certificate, so no one will know you did this so last-minute 😉
Cheers, friends, and Happy Valentine’s Day!
Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I signed up for Bright Cellars and purchased the subscription myself. I’m sharing my opinions because I think they will be beneficial to others. This post does contain referral links for new sign-ups that gives me a bonus bottle in my next box.
How is it 2015?! I say this every year…but I really can’t believe how fast this one went. It was a big year for LDB! We traveled to Portland, Oregon together and attempted to eat our way through the city. We spent a beautiful weekend in Napa, …
If you remember, Kelly and I originally started doing Monthly Musings here on LDB. Once a month we would post our current ramblings or fill you in on life. However as we’ve gotten more in the swing of things with creating and posting recipes regularly, the …
Yesterday was Long Distance Baking’s 1st Blogiversary!! We can’t believe that we have been blogging for a year now and can’t wait to try out some new recipes in year 2! Below are some of our popular posts from our first year:
Can you believe that in an entire year we’ve also only been together three times?! Two weddings (Placerville and Napa) and a Portland vacation. Thank you so much for following along with us this year! It’s so easy to get caught up in improving and learning all the things, sometimes it’s good to step back and see how far you’ve already come. Are there any recipes you hope to see in year 2? Any advice or suggestions for us? Leave your comments below! We appreciate every one of you!
We were very excited and honored when Liz from Floating Kitchen nominated us for a Liebster Award! A Liebster Award is passed from one blogger to another, typically those who are “newer” bloggers, and it is a way for us to get to know each other …
We were approached by Ashley from The Wine Stain to do a guest post on friendship and we couldn’t be more excited! And nervous, too! Writing about ourselves is so much harder than writing about cookies! We wanted to spend a little time talking first about us, and how …
Our friends over at Simply Living tagged us in this fun game…Then & Now! Where we look back and compare life as it used to be to how it is now. Here it goes!